Online English with Flalingo

For a Private English Tutor, the One-on-One Solution is on Flalingo!

Flalingo 04.05.2024

Do you want the most personalized solution and the fastest progress with a private English teacher? In this article, we offer "one-on-one" solution suggestions for you while receiving private English lessons from a native or foreign teacher, without guaranteeing success. When learning English, just as you cannot achieve everything on your own, it is also not possible to expect everything from the teacher! However, we believe that with the right tactics and good guidance in your English learning journey, beautiful things will emerge. For this, tactics are listed in this article!

It's time to meet certified English teachers from all over the world, each specialized in different subjects and levels! You can try our Flalingo smart teacher algorithm that listens to your needs and goals and matches you with the most suitable instructors from among thousands! If you wish, you can also meet teachers outside the pool created specifically for you with just one click!

Table of Contents

1. The Role of the Teacher in Learning English

2. Why Private English Lessons?

2.1. Learning English by Speaking

2.2. Personalized Lessons

2.3. Learning English Faster

3. Flalingo's One-on-One Lessons and the Attention of Expert Instructors

4. Private English Teacher with Flalingo Solutions and More!

The Role of the Teacher in Learning English

When learning English, no matter what level you are at, consult an expert! By an expert, I mean English teachers. Think about it, there is a person in front of you whose duty is to teach English to those who do not know English for the rest of their lives. Perhaps they have had as many students as you, taught language to many people.

But let's remind you; there is a mountain of difference between knowing a language and learning it. The person who will teach you English should apply the necessary techniques and perhaps impart skills from scratch. In addition to imparting new words and rules with the correct approach, they should also contribute to learning from mistakes. They should also improve your speaking skills by practicing extensively.

You know, if one button of your shirt is buttoned wrong, the rest will go wrong too. Expert instructors, that is, those who know how to teach, are responsible for preventing this situation. By covering the right topics in a way suitable for your level, by familiarizing you with English through speaking, they provide a planned learning. It is beneficial to rely on the guidance of a teacher to learn from mistakes, learn the right topics in the right way and at the right time.

Why Private English Lessons?

Private English lessons, as the name suggests, are entirely personalized to you. The teacher's full attention is on you. In addition, the most correct solution for making the most of your time is to learn English with individual lessons. Let's list the benefits of private English lessons:

Learning English by Speaking

The first thing you should not skip when learning English is speaking exercises. If there are as many students as possible during the lesson, it means you have a limited space. Who will the teacher promise, who will they listen to, and whose mistakes will they correct? This is both a heavy workload for the teacher and a restrictive situation for the students. But if you work with a private English teacher, everything the teacher needs to do during the lesson will be specific to you. So, if you know a topic, you won't need to listen to it again for another student. You will speak more during the lesson, see if you have any mistakes, and have the opportunity to correct them.

Personalized Lessons

Let's look at the purpose of learning English: Perhaps not being eliminated in job interviews because of English, adapting to daily life abroad, or achieving academic success... While these are the most popular reasons, everyone's learning needs are unique and singular. For this purpose, if you want to learn English without deviating from the path, private lessons are the most efficient solution.

Learning English Faster

Learning English step by step is the best way. Being in a hurry is not something we would recommend. However, no one wants to waste time either. Private English lessons are one-on-one to learn English at the right pace and not waste time. If you are having difficulty understanding a topic, there's no problem! You can work on it with your instructor until you understand it. If a topic is a piece of cake for you, you can move on to the next one after a few practices. If listening to a passage once is enough for you for a listening practice, why waste time with the second one! Or if you need more time to write beautifully, you have all the time you need! Here's what you need to learn English without wasting time, just click and find the right private English teacher.

Flalingo's One-on-One Lessons and the Attention of Expert Instructors

You don't have to stick to your neighborhood when learning private English. You don't have to go to a foreigner's house with long journeys. Teachers from all over the world are with you with just one click! Professionals who will teach you English by speaking to you mutually are on Flalingo! With Flalingo, which teaches English online, you can continue your lessons wherever and whenever you want. This will provide both time and motivation.

Private English Lesson Prices

Also, signing up for Flalingo is much easier and more profitable than searching for a private English teacher on your own! In addition to the special attention of expert instructors;

  • Oxford University Press materials,
  • FLAI lesson report with lesson analysis, Educational consultants,
  • Comprehensive curriculum,
  • Level determination tests and certificates,
  • Helpful customer representatives,
  • Gift group lessons where you will experience real-life scenarios with other students

All in one package at Flalingo! Learning English with private English teachers in this way is both more profitable and more success-oriented. Also, at Flalingo, if you wish, you can take regular lessons from one instructor or speak with different instructors in each lesson. So, Flalingo creates that opportunity for you in the way you want!

One-on-One Flalingo Solutions with Private English Instructors and More!

Flalingo is the right address for the most special and success-oriented lessons with a private English teacher. Why? Because our online English teachers are certified and experts in their fields. In addition, you will talk freely and learn everything thoroughly with the curriculum in lessons. While resource books and practices support your lessons, you will determine your roadmap with regular level determination tests. If you are not satisfied with your instructor, you can easily switch to another one. You can speak with different instructors in each lesson if you want, meet new people, and gain new experiences. You can take regular lessons from an instructor if you want. All of these come with a fixed price. In addition, when you want to hire a private English teacher yourself, the result is much more expensive, while Flalingo offers much more at a reasonable price. Here at Flalingo, we present this beautiful content to you with confidence.

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