English Language Guidelines

Is it Possible to Learn English by Watching Movies and TV-Series?

Flalingo 18.01.2024

Learning and speaking English can be challenging at times, especially for those whose second language is English. One of the reasons for this is that English has many grammar rules, and emphasis is often placed on writing and grammar rather than speaking from an early age. So, can we really use English comfortably just with grammar? If you've been curious about this like me for a long time, keep reading!

How Does Watching TV Series and Movies Contribute to Your English?

In recent years, many people have been watching foreign TV series and movies to improve both their vocabulary and grammar. This becomes a fun and instructive activity for them, making the learning process enjoyable and lasting. Therefore, people watch TV series or movies to make the English words and grammar rules they learn more permanent. Additionally, another contribution is that words and phrases frequently used in daily life are often featured in TV series and movies. This can also contribute to individuals when speaking English. However, is watching TV series or movies sufficient for learning and speaking English?

Is Watching TV Series and Movies Sufficient for Speaking English?

Certainly not. The crucial point here is not just the patterns you learn from TV series and movies. What matters is how comfortably and frequently you use the grammar rules and words you've learned when speaking English. Therefore, if your speaking practice is limited, improving it would be beneficial. So, how can you enhance this?

Speaking English and the Importance of Conversation

The better and more comfortably you can speak a language, the better it is for you. This is crucial in both international travels, the business world, and conversations with foreign individuals. What good is knowing a language if you can't speak it? You might have often heard the phrase, "I understand, but I can't speak." Many people, despite having a strong grasp of English grammar, may feel stressed when it comes to speaking due to a lack of practice. If you are still wondering, "What should I do to learn and speak English comfortably?" continue reading.

Online English Speaking Platform: Flalingo

If you don't know anyone to practice speaking English with, Flalingo is perfect for you! It not only helps you learn English by speaking but also improves your speaking proficiency. You can learn to speak English stress-free with native English teachers!

Advantages of Flalingo

  • 1. Online Platform: Flalingo is an online application, allowing you to practice speaking English anywhere you want.
  • 2. Comprehensive Teacher Range: Flalingo's smart teacher selection algorithm enables you to easily have lessons with the teacher that suits your preferences from a variety of English teachers.
  • 3. Wide Range of Subscription Options: Flalingo offers 1, 3, 6, and 12-month subscription packages, contributing to your online English learning and speaking journey. If you want to learn about the packages, you can click on this link!

Conclusion: Is Watching TV Series and Movies Really Crucial for Learning English?

I can say both yes and no to this. Yes, because it enhances your language skills and helps you learn new words and patterns. No, because learning English is not just about knowing grammar rules. Therefore, the earlier you start English speaking practice, the better for you. If you want to comfortably learn English and practice speaking with native English teachers, check out Flalingo's website and sign up now!

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