How to Connect to Classes on Flalingo?

1. After logging into the student panel to connect to a class on Flalingo, if you are logging in from a computer, click on the "Upcoming Classes" tab; if you are logging in from a mobile device, click on the "Classes" tab. You will see all the reservations you have made on this screen, sorted by date.
2. When the class time arrives, you can connect to the class by clicking the "Join" button on the reservation card. This button becomes active 5 minutes before the class starts.
3. Note: Classes are conducted through the Zoom program. If the Zoom program is not installed on the device you will be joining the class from, you need to install the Zoom program ( once. If you have already installed the Zoom program, you do not need to take any action.

You will meet with the teacher online in the Flalingo classroom. If the class does not start for any reason, you can inform the Flalingo Support Team by clicking the 'Raise an Objection' button. The Flalingo Support Team will promptly assess your objection and resolve the connection issue.
At Flalingo, thousands of online classes are conducted every day. 99% of classes are completed smoothly. However, do not worry if a class is interrupted due to unforeseen events such as internet or power outages, or if the teacher ends it early. When the class ends, a feedback window will open, asking if your class went smoothly. By answering 'No' to this question, you can report any issues to our support team. They will assist you immediately in resolving the problem.
If your class went smoothly, you can click the "Yes" button in this window to rate the teacher and leave a comment for them. You can also help us improve by providing feedback in the comment box related to the class!