Most Frequently Used Social Media Terms and Their English Origin

Obviously, the internet and social media, whose denominator in our lives is increasing daily, have brought new words to our language. But you may have noticed that the jargon of this virtual world is shaped around the English axis. Even though some of them are used extensively, it is not known where they come from and where they go. Let's examine the most favorite internet and social media terms and go beyond their meanings to reach their roots.
It is necessary to be fluent in English to learn the behind-the-scenes of the words we discuss in this article. If you want to go beyond memorization and use these words with awareness and self-confidence, I would like to introduce you to the advantages of Flalingo. The Flalingo family, which will meet your English needs for all levels, from beginner to expert, is waiting for you just a click away!
Table of Content
- Abbreviations You Frequently Encounter on Social Media
- Terms That Have Permeated Every Area of the Internet
- Conclusion: English is a Must to Avoid Being Strange on Social Media
Abbreviations You Frequently Encounter on Social Media
Let's go back to social media, where formality reigns supreme, and everyone communicates with each other free of titles. Because here, as another replaces one term, the language rules are bent. In this case, we resort to abbreviations or social media terms instead of expressing ourselves at length. Of course, the language of the world is English, which is spoken on social media where the whole world meets. Now, let's look at eight social media terms with a new language identity rooted in English.

1. AMA: It is an abbreviation for “Ask me anything”. Suppose we examine this sentence, primarily used by celebrities about whom many people wonder, within the framework of language rules. In that case, it is inflected in the imperative mood.
2. JTM: Just the messenger abbreviation is one of the terms you can see on the internet and social media. People who use this abbreviation are not the main source of information; they only share or transmit it. In other words, he is not the person you will call to account or answer on this issue.
3. ELI5: Explain like I'm five. In other words, the person using this indicates that he wants a more straightforward and simpler explanation of the subject. Again, we notice the imperative mood in this sentence, which was created by the internet rudeness without any intention of being polite. I believe we forget to use “please” in social media.
4. ICYMI: Short for “In case you missed it,” this term is used to update social media denizens on a relatively old post. We see the second form of the verb “missed”. This also points to the past tense.
5. IMHO: The expression “In my humble opinion” is also used in the most polite way to emphasize that the person is expressing his own opinions. These phrases, which gain importance especially in presentations, discussions, and written language, also work on social media, but in a shorter form.
6. MTFBWY: May the Force be with you. This Star Wars classic, transferred from the screen to the virtual world, is one of the most shared terms and appears in many places, from official e-mails to WhatsApp statuses, especially on May 4th. It's almost like it's "peaking". Because of this sound similarity, we can say that this date is the holiday of the abbreviation or expression MTFBWY. Let's say that the secondary use, may the fourth, has become more famous.

7. ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing. This expression, a more subtle version of the abbreviation LOL, indicates that the act of laughing has become excessive. This way, you can share how funny the thing you are laughing at is with other social media users.
8. YOLO: You only live once. With its emphasis on the transience of life, this expression gives the underlying advice that we should not delay the value of the moments we live or our wishes. Although some people have different beliefs on this subject, it is often used to emphasize individualism and freedom.
Terms That Have Permeated Every Area of the Internet
Although most of the internet use in daily life occurs on social media, there are endless channels in this universe. Those who are used to the ease of the internet can still use shorthand expressions and abbreviations. Here I have compiled some terms and their explanations you may encounter online.
1. Clickbait: The word Clickbait is one of the things you should pay attention to as soon as you see it. In other words, it indicates a bait thrown for you to click. Generally, some social media members use this word as a warning in content with a different purpose than what appears to be the case.
2. FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions: This abbreviation, which you can see in different environments rather than social media, means “the popular questions many people ask". While the word frequently indicates frequency, the verb asked is in the third form and has a passive voice.
3. FOMO: This usage, abbreviation “fear of missing out”, resonates especially within the e-commerce framework. It expresses the fear of being unable to catch up with popular products, fashion, or some cultural and artistic events subject to fast consumption. Similarly, it may take on a form that includes social media trends and news.
Conclusion: English is a Must to Avoid Being Strange on Social Media
In today's article, I introduced you to the most popular abbreviations and terms you may come across on the internet and social media. In addition to their meanings, I tried to show where they come from and their structure. Apparently, even in these simplest and most common uses, there are many language rules, word structures, and unique uses of English. This means that it is quite difficult to master even these expressions without learning English. But don't worry; The English you need to learn to be both a social media person and a world person is with you at Flalingo. While working with professional instructors whose native language is English, you can learn the language from the locals and gain international communication skills.